Part 3 | Views & URLs
Let's create some "views" and "url paths" so we can render these templates.
Step 1 | Create Views

Inside your apps file create 3 views. Right now we just want to render the templates we created. Let's create and pass in empty context for now.
View Source CodeStep 2 | URLs

Now we need to create some "url paths" to call these views.
Create a file called "" inside your app.
Inside the app import “path” along with the “views” and create a urlpatterns list. Inside "urlpatterns " create 3 paths, one for each view and give them a name.
View Source CodeStep 3 | Base URLs Configuration

To connect our new urls we need to open up the file in the root directory and "include" it.
First import "inlcude" just after "path" and add a path that points to the new we created inside "store".
View Source CodeSummary:
Now that we have our templates, views and urls configured we should be able to start our server and view our pages on port 8000.
///Command Prompt
python runserver
If you see your templates rendered like the image above; you're ready to move on to the next step :)
← Previous: Part 2 | Templates Next: Part 4 | Static Files →