Create Account/Login
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Part 1 | Configure App


In this section we will take care of getting our project set up. We'll first install Django and handle basic configuration before we move on to part 2 where we will set up our templates.

Step 1 | Install Django

Assuming you have Python installed, open up your command prompt and Pip install Django if you have not already done so.

Step 2 | Start Project

Now that we have Django installed, let's create our project. CD into where you want your project files, mine will be in the desktop. We will use django-admin startproject “project name”.

Once you create your project be sure to CD into it before the next step.

Step 3 | Create app

Create the first app files with python startapp “appname". 

Step 4 | Add app to

When you open up your project you should see the app we just created in your project folder. Make sure you add the new app to INSTALLED_APPS within

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In your command promt run "python runnserver" and open up port If everything was done correctly, you should see the default Django landing page just like the one in the image below.

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